Straight Parent, Gay Kid
GLB Servicemen Finally Get Respect
Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day. While we remember all our servicemen who nobly fight for our country, let us not forget the more than 13,000 members who were discharged since 1993 from the military for being gay, lesbian or bisexual.It has been less than two months since the military’s eighteen year-old policy “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”(DADT) of…
What Cuomo Has Wrought Let No Town Clerk Put Asunder
Town Clerk Rose Marie Belforti at work Deirdre DiBiaggio, who owns a Finger Lakes working farm, decided she wanted to get married to her lover of ten years, a filmmaker. So, she went to the Town Clerk’s office in nearby Ledyard, New York, to apply for a marriage license. The Town Clerk, Rose Marie Belforti,…
Caspian Julius, Welcome!
The announcement read: “Baby and parents are doing well, baby has learned to cry already. No gifts please, just nice thoughts for Caspian, humankind, the planet, and the universe.” Caspian Julius was born on September 30, 2011. I don’t know if he was produced by artificial insemination or adoption. Nor does the public. What…
Ding, Dong! The Wicked DADT Is Dead!
The Military Thought You Had To Be Straight to Shoot Straight Gays in the military have been fighting an uphill battle since 1982 when The Department of Defense officially put in writing that “homosexuality was incompatible with military service.” Between 1993 with the Clinton era compromise “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and the 2011 repeal…
No General Swim, Lanyards at This Camp. Just Drama and Horror Stories at the Campsites!
While the “dog days of August” may seem like the perfect time to send your(gay) child to camp, don’t be tempted by ex-gay camps! You may be a Molotov cocktail of emotions at this time: sadness, fear, disbelief, guilt, shame, right? But whatever you’re feeling, don’t think your child’s sexual orientation is a problem that…