Straight Parent, Gay Kid

The Gender Spectrum Defined

                                                                       Dictionary 101 for Straight Parents Once Upon a Time, we lived in a binary world with Dick, Jane, and Spot.  Girl wore dresses, boys wore pants. Girls were given pink lunch trays in the grade school cafeteria. The boys received blue trays.  The boys went to “shop” and the girls went…

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Prepare for GLSEN’s Day of Silence, April 21

As a parent, you want to ensure your child is safe at school.  This is also the goal of GLSEN, Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network, the leading national educational organization focusing on safety for all students.  There is a need to raise awareness and fight homophobia in schools because: ·      In a Harris Interactive Study…

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Those Who Object To LeFou Are Fou!

Those Who Object to Le Fou Are Fou! I took my kids, then 6 and 11, to see “Beauty and the Beast” on Broadway in 1994.  Terrence Mann played the beast.  It was a great musical with a good message.  I don’t remember any homosexual overtones, except that one of its creators Howard Ashman died…

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Conversion Therapy Busted With 20/20 Undercover Investigation

Last night, I watched with horror the testimony of gay boy named Lucas who ran away from a Restoration Youth Camp in Alabama.  His adoptive Christian parents from Naples, Florida sent him to an unlicensed pray-the-gay-away camp because they couldn’t deal with his homosexuality. Lucas ultimately ran away from the camp as he was beaten,…

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U.S. History’s First

When Gavin Grimm’s ACLU lawyers argue his case, Gloucester County School Board vs. G.G.,  scheduled for March 28th, it will be the first major decision on whether transgender people are covered under sex discrimination law.  Grimm’s case is arguing that his high school’s policy violates Title IX of Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex…

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Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, 1939 Mr. Gavin Grimm Goes to Washington, 2017

In the popular movie of 1939, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Gary Cooper plays an unassuming honest senator from Montana who takes on corrupt Washington politicians. This week, a shy, humble and determined seventeen year-old high school student from Gloucester, Virginia, Gavin Grimm travelled to Washington with his mother to be the lead plaintiff in…

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Who Are You Going To Trust? Not Ghost Busters!

It’s hard to trust the liberal media.  BuzzFeed is not honest-to-God news.  The President tweets on four hours of sleep.  We were told last Tuesday that President Trump will maintain workplace protections for gays and lesbians instituted during the Obama Administration yet supposedly leaks within the hallowed halls of the White House said they Trump…

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Finally, the Boy Scouts of America are Catching Up with the Girl Scouts!

“A Boy Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent and now, as of January 30, 2017, his troop includes transgenders. This all came about because a mother sued because her transgender boy was excluded from a New Jersey Scouting unit.  Because of her staunch opposition, the issue…

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Heeding Martha & The Vandellas’s Advice

“… Oh, it doesn’t matter what you wear, just as long as you are there.  “Dancing in the Streets,” a number one hit in 1964, wanted the world to be one big block party. Two nights ago, 200 people took to the streets outside of now V-P Mike Pence’s rented house in Chevy Chase, Maryland…

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The Golden Rule In Action!

Remember your mother and your Sunday School teacher telling you to treat others as you wish to be treated?  One of the largest bullying-prevention initiatives in schools throughout the United States starts tomorrow, on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Day, January 16th and runs until January 20th, Inauguration Day.  It is fitting that No Name-Calling Week…

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