Shane Ortega

Long Before Edie Windsor, Civil Rights Icon John Lewis Fought For Gay Rights
Edith Windsor’s same-sex marriage fight led to an important Landmark Ruling, in 2013, although it was limited to thirteen states and District of Columbia. It declared the Defense of Marriage…

Don’t Think They Have To Choose!
Male Bisexuality is Real According to Multiple Studies At Four Universities The came to this conclusion after reviewing data from eight studies conducted between 2000 and 2019 at Northwestern,…

Parents and Schools Failing Sex Education
Yesterday, I listened to sex researcher Megan Maas’s TEDXTalk “How the Evolution of Porn Changed Adolescence.” Dr. Maas is an Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Michigan…

Out At College, Closeted While Quarantined At Home
You finally found your niche at college where you have like-minded friends who are gay. No longer are you bullied as you were in high school because you can…

I Can’t Imagine Larry Kramer Ever Resting In Peace!
The LGBT community is indebted to activist and author Larry Kramer. “The fire in his belly” led him in the 1980’s to wake up the complacency of this country into…

What to Expect From a PFLAG Meeting
In the book When Your Child Is Gay: What You Need To Know, co-author Jonathan L. Tobkes, M.D., writes that “in my practice, I have noticed that parents feel better…

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month. Are Your Kids Mentally Healthy?
Life is not easy for the LGBTQI community. reports that lesbian, gay and bisexual youth have: much higher levels of suicidal ideation, i.e. 15.1% to 34.3% of lesbian and…

What Did The Gay Community Inherit?
I was lucky to see “The Inheritance” before Broadway theatres shuttered its doors on Thursday, March 12, 2020, the next day. Playwright Matthew Lopez’s play, an import from London where…

School Is Out, But The Cyberbullies Can Taunt Your LGBT Child
God only knows when schools and college will discontinue shuttering their doors. Just because your LGBTQ child isn’t face-to-face with the school bully doesn’t mean he isn’t being harassed online,…

What Traditional Couples Can Learn From Gay Marriage
Almost four years ago, when gay marriage was legal, a reporter named Christopher Katis from an LGBT publication QSALTLake,” interviewed me about whether kids of gay parents fared better than…

What the Defeat of the HB Bill 1057 Means to Trans Kids in S.Dakota & Other States
South Dakota’s House Bill 1057 that sought to block physicians from providing puberty blockers and gender confirmation surgery to help minors (under 16) change their gender was defeated this…