Straight Parent, Gay Kid

transgender day of remembrance 2023

November is Trans Awareness Month

It’s important to be aware of the trans population every month, not just November.  In the United States, there are laws in certain states such as Texas, that you can go to prison for helping a trans minor obtain surgery, puberty blockers. Texas is not the only state to outlaw care for the young who…

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asexual flag

LGBTQIA: What Does the A Stand For? No, It’s Not Ally!

Have you heard about ACE this week starting October 23rd when GLSEN raised awareness about the term? Read the blog and find out its true definition. The correct answer is Asexual.  In our sexually-charged society and social media, it is possible to be asexual.  In fact, 1% or nearly three million people refer to themselves…

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Edith Windsor

A Straight Mother Thanks Edie Windsor

October is LGBT History Month!  Edie Windsor was a pioneer for same-sex marriage and its benefits! When our gay son was in his twenties, before President Obama’s evolvement of “sacred” civil marriage unions and President Clinton’s signature on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), he announced at dinner “it’s not fair that my straight sister…

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Pronouns Gender Non-Binary They Their Them Checklist 3d Illustration

Pronouns Aren’t Just Good Grammar

It’s International Pronoun Day! If you have an LGBT child, you need to address them by the right pronouns. It not only demonstrates acceptance but acknowledges their identity.  It is particularly troublesome for a transgender child or gender non-conforming child to hear the more common pronoun she/her/he/him that is applied to cis-gender kids (those who…

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National Coming Out Day banner

October 11 is National Coming Out Day

The purpose of National Coming Out Day is to support those in the LGBT Community.  According to the February 17, 2022 Gallup poll, LGBT identification in the United States had ticked up from 5.6% in 2020 to 7.1%, driven by the younger generation. One in five Generation Z adults now identify as LGBT. In 2021,…

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Bisexual Pride Flag

Bisexual Awareness Week: September 16-23

The Bisexual Awareness Week, culminates in Bisexual or Bivisibility Day on September 23. Why do we hold this annual event? Bisexuals make up the largest portion of the LGBTQ+ community (40% of America), according to data from the Pew Research Center.  However, society tries to erase them.  How? The Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), America’s oldest national…

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high school female being bullied by 2 males

What Constitutes Bullying? How Can You Make The School Your Ally?

Children should be able to learn in a safe environment but compared to heterosexual students, LGBTQ+ students receive a disproportionate amount of bullying.  Perhaps your child has already started school and witnessed bullying or maybe he is dreading going back to school as he fears being bullied in person. What constitutes bullying?  There are three…

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campus pride us map

Evaluating a Supposed LGBTQ+ Friendly College

In my co-authored book, When Your Child Is Gay (Sterling: 2016), I interviewed J.R., born Jennifer Rebecca in Staten Island, New York.  Jennifer felt she was mismatched with her birth gender (transgender) and so at age eighteen, started hormone treatments. When he entered a college in New Jersey as a female and told his female…

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Monkeypox A male hands affected by blistering rash because of monkeypox or other viral infection on white background

You’ve Heard Of It. But What Is It? Monkeypox

Nearly 5,000 people in the U.S. are reported to have Monkeypox.   But 20,000 people have it in seventy-five countries. The World Health Organization has declared monkeypox a public health emergency that needs an international response so it doesn’t become a pandemic like Covid. What Monkeypox Is And What It Isn’t The World Health Organization calls…

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Why LGBTQ Adults Keep In Touch With Rejecting Parents

I’ve read about Mothers who give hugs to LGBT children ( “free mom hugs”) who are rejected by their straight non-accepting parents.  Sometimes these hugging mothers even substitute for the rejecting Mothers at same-sex weddings.  Of course, we all know that LGBTQ+ rejected children who can’t go home again form their own families with like-minded…

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