Straight Parent, Gay Kid

The 4R’s: Reading, ‘Riting, “Rithmetic, and Regulation

School is starting soon.  You’ve probably starting putting the kids to bed earlier so they will be in sync with school hours, maybe having them read an hour a day to get them used to books and not other kinds of texts?Unfortunately, phone texting is all too familiar with students and is here to stay….

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How Much Gay Wedding Cake Would A Straight Baker Chuck If A Court Says He Could?

 How Much Gay Wedding Cake Would A  Straight Baker Chuck If A Court Says He Could? The answer to this riddle is none.  As of  August 13th, baker Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado has to bake cakes for same-sex couples whether he approves or disapproves of their marriages.  So sayeth a state…

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Five More Things Not to Say To Your Gay Child

Exactly a month ago, I wrote a post about five things you should not say to a gay child. See then, I have either heard or read about common remarks (malapropos) that may not be intended as insensitive, but come across that way. • “That’s So Gay!”  School kids, in particular, hear this all…

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Boy Scouts End Ban on Gay Leaders, but Leave Wiggle Room for Religious Beliefs

On July 27, 2015, The Boy Scouts of America ended its nationwide ban on openly gay adult leaders.  Seventy-nine percent of those who participated in a telephone meeting of the national executive board voted in favor of lifting the ban. The Scouts’ volunteer national president and former Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates urged this…

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Fear For Many Parents Will Be Eased

As the straight parent of a gay child, you fear for your child.  Will he/she be beaten up, picked on in school, fired from a job, have to live in certain areas that are designated as gay-friendly just because of his/her sexual orientation? In most of the U.S, states, it is legal to fire and…

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What Your Gay/Lesbian Child Wants To Hear From You

When Your Child Is Gay For parents, having your child reveal that he/she is gay can be a jolt.  While some may have an easier time accepting the revelation that their child is gay, all parents can take certain steps to ensure they handle the news that convey they love their child, unconditionally. Offer Acceptance…

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Maybe, Just Maybe, the BSA Will Get It Right This Time

On July 27, 2015, the Boy Scouts of America’s ban on gay scout leaders may be lifted.  The resolution was approved by a 17-member Executive Committee last week and if ratified, will become official policy immediately. This ban is a carry-over from May 23, 2013, when the BSA Council approved a half-measure that would allow…

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5 things you shouldn’t say to your Gay Child

5 Things You Shouldn’t Say To Your Gay Child Despite this country’s acceptance of gay marriage, many parents are thrown off-kilter when they find out their child is gay.  Without preparation for this often-surprising news, it’s easy for even the most loving parents to blurt out the wrong message.  Not intended, the retort ends up…

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The Government’s “To Do” List

“When all Americans are treated as equal, we are all more free” – Obama Last month, the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in every U.S. state.  It was a long time coming, but reflected the majority of poll takers and the growing acceptance of same-sex marriage.  With the victory now behind us, this country cannot…

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Same-Sex Marriage is a Constitutional Right

In 2013, The Supreme Court struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act (defining marriage as between a man and a woman), requiring federal agencies to recognize same-sex marriage performed in states where it is legal.  Justice Anthony Kennedy, who wrote that decision in 2013 as well as last Friday, struck down restrictions in…

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