Trans Lifeline

Holidays Not A Good Time For Introductions!

                        While visiting at Thanksgiving with your new boyfriend in tow may seem like a perfect time for a quorum of your family to meet your special one, think…

Talking To Your Kids About Sex

             Perhaps, it would make it easier for a parent to adapt to the realization that her child is gay if she considers it a possibility from the start.…

National Bullying Prevention Month Is Almost Over, But Bullies Are Still Hard At Work

School is in full swing now during October, National Bullying Prevention Month, but LGBT students still feel unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation and gender expression. According to…

National Spirit Day on October 15

                                               Be A Visible Ally Coinciding with October’s…

National Coming Out Day

Tomorrow, October 11, you may see more pink triangles on clothing and rainbow flags waving in the air. Rallies, parades may be more prominent.  Why?  It’s National Coming Out Day.…

“Do I Look Fat?”

“Do I Look Fat?” Every teen wants to look sharp so they can fit in.  Whether they’re emulating the hottest celebrities or have their own style, they hope their own…

Honor Thy Grandparents

Last week, last Sunday to be exact was an important day.  It wasn’t ushered in with greeting cards last August like Halloween or heralded on television, but nevertheless it was…

Have Teen Idols Taken The New Fluidity Too Far?

Last week, The New York Times contributor Charles Blow wrote about “Sexual Attraction and Fluidity” in which he called Miley Cyrus’s comments about her OMNISEXUALITY (Cyrus dubs it pansexuality)…

National Suicide Prevention Week Starts Tomorrow

World Suicide Prevention Day is September10th. Being LGBT itself is not a risk factor for suicide, but the negative treatment that many LGBT teens endure can lead to suicidal feelings.…

When The School Is Lax About Bullying

o.k.  School has started.  School bullies do not need orientation.  They are hard at work harassing their victim, your gay children, 24 /7.  Your school downplays your child’s horrific experience.…

The 4R’s: Reading, ‘Riting, “Rithmetic, and Regulation

School is starting soon.  You’ve probably starting putting the kids to bed earlier so they will be in sync with school hours, maybe having them read an hour a day…

How Much Gay Wedding Cake Would A Straight Baker Chuck If A Court Says He Could?

 How Much Gay Wedding Cake Would A  Straight Baker Chuck If A Court Says He Could? The answer to this riddle is none.  As of  August 13th, baker Jack Phillips…

Five More Things Not to Say To Your Gay Child

Exactly a month ago, I wrote a post about five things you should not say to a gay child. See then, I have either heard or read about common…

Boy Scouts End Ban on Gay Leaders, but Leave Wiggle Room for Religious Beliefs

On July 27, 2015, The Boy Scouts of America ended its nationwide ban on openly gay adult leaders.  Seventy-nine percent of those who participated in a telephone meeting of the…

Fear For Many Parents Will Be Eased

As the straight parent of a gay child, you fear for your child.  Will he/she be beaten up, picked on in school, fired from a job, have to live in…