Pence’s anti-gay policies


You’ve Heard Of It. But What Is It? Monkeypox

Nearly 5,000 people in the U.S. are reported to have Monkeypox.   But 20,000 people have it in seventy-five countries. The World Health Organization has declared monkeypox a public health emergency…


Why LGBTQ Adults Keep In Touch With Rejecting Parents

I’ve read about Mothers who give hugs to LGBT children ( “free mom hugs”) who are rejected by their straight non-accepting parents.  Sometimes these hugging mothers even substitute for the…

rainbow colors on a canvas

A Sticky Situation in Florida

To a child, a sticker is a reward.  It’s a gold star on a chart.  It’s an appreciation for good grades, a hand-out at the doctor’s office for good behavior.…

GLAAD Accelerating Acceptance report 2022

GLAAD’s 2002 Annual Accelerating Accepting Study Has Disappointing Results!

June is Gay Pride Month in many U.S. cities.  It demonstrates solidarity for the LGBTQIA+ population and its allies as well as advances in LGBT+acceptance since the Stonewall Rebellion of…

US Capitol Building

Ellen DeGeneres Packs Her Bags, But We’re Still Unpacking Her Message

On May 23rd, The Ellen DeGeneres show, after its 2003 debut, ended.  Who would believe today that Ellen had a tough time selling the show, but she did? She had…

young male carrying rainbow flag

School Board Overrules Fl. Superintendent re: Yr. Book Stickers

Like any high school yearbook, Longwood, Florida’s Lyman High School, considered to be one of the best in the state, will have room for the usual autographs in their yearbooks:…


Denial: What not to do when your child comes out

Coming out is fraught both for parents and their LGBTQ+ children. Your child has likely carefully planned what they’ll say, perhaps they’ve even rehearsed it in front of the mirror…

Cinderella's castle as framed with a pair of Minnie Mouse ears

Keep Politics Out of Disney!

You go to Disney because it’s magic and fantasy!  Built out of swamp land, children and relatives come in droves (58 million tourists this year) to see animals and humans…

Amy Schneider

Defeated by Jeopardy’s Final Question, but Not in Long Run!

Final question:  “The only nation in the world, whose name in English ends with an ‘h’ and is also one of the 10 most populous.” Brainiac Amy Schneider was defeated…

LGBTQ protestors marching down a street

The Unintelligible “Parental Rights in Education” Bill

Does anyone understand this bill dubbed “Don’t Say Gay” Bill #1557 in Florida?  According to Education Week, it does NOT mention the term “gay” or “LGBTQ+ community by name.  Nor…

man in library looking at a book

Growing Up Gay May Give You An Academic Advantage

A new study, Intersecting the Academic Gender Gap:  The Education of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual America, published in The American Sociology Review in 2022, purports that growing up gay gives…

father talking to son in a field

Just When You Thought You Knew It All….

O.K. you’ve mastered the basics:  you know what non-binary means.  It means a person who doesn’t identify with being defined as male or female.  You know that sex is assigned…

Family sharing dinner together

It’s National Nutrition Month.  How’s Your Teen’s Eating & Exercise Regimen?

Did you know that: Researchers have found more than 1/2 of young LGBTQ people between 13 and 24 have been diagnosed with an eating disorder. Gay males were 7 x…

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

The “Don’t Say Gay Bill” has passed in the House. What does this mean for Parents and LGBTQ+ Students?

The nuclear family has changed in America.  LGBTQ+ parents can create their family through surrogacy or adoption.  Often, you see brown or persons of color in the same family as…

Florida State Capitol

What’s In Store for LGBTQ+I Students in Florida Classrooms?

This has been quite a week for education bills proposed re: future of LGBTQ+I students in the classroom.  Fueled by Governor DeSantis, the Republican-led majority advanced a bill on February…