DIVA Magazine

Don’t Be Tempted By Gay-to-Straight Therapy!

It’s Not A Fix! A few weeks ago, Leelah Alcorn, 17 years old, a transgender renamed “Joshua,” from Kings Mills, Ohio, committed suicide.  Unfortunately, forty percent of transgenders attempt suicide.…

The Gay Marriage Cases That Quote Loving V. Virginia, 48 Years Later

In 1967, a year before the peaceful Nobel prize-winning Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, the Supreme Court invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage.  A mixed-race couple named Mildred Jeter, 17,…

“Come On Down, The Weather Is Great,” but…

….You don’t worry about shoveling snow or falling on ice in Florida.  In many ways, life seems easier.  Barefoot, you can walk out in the a.m. to the end of…

Woo-hoo! Florida Becomes 36th State with Marriage Equality!

Gay Marriage Starts in Florida Jan. 9th, but sooner in Miami-Dade. I was beginning to think marriage equality would never come to Florida, my home and third largest state! With…

You Are What You Shop

As a straight ally, I try to avoid businesses that smack of homophobia.  For example, when I go to the mall in my county in which I live, I will…

Your Child Is On Vacation, But The Cyberbullies Aren’t

Did you know that kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to:• Abuse alcohol and drugs• Experience in-person bullying• Drop out of school• Receive poor or failing grades• Have lower…

It Could Happen To You When You Least Expect It!

Last week, I wrote about what not to say when your child comes out.  Due to the many distractions of the holidays, I also suggested that this is the worst…

Coming Outs Don’t Belong At Christmas

Picture this:  Your mother in her Santa sweater, your father in his red tie with tiny green wreaths in a home garlanded like Auntie Mamie’s duplex.  Sis, decked out in…

Your LGBT Or Straight Child Could Be Infected With HIV

Alarming Statistics From Centers for Disease Control Did you know that:• 1 in 4 new HIV infections occur in youth ages 13 to 24.• About 60% of all youth with…

Born Gay? Largest Study Inconclusive

Suggestion of Genetic Link for Male Homosexuality This week, NorthShore Research Institute in Evanston, Illinois presented quasi-evidence that people are born gay.  Although this study that looked at 409 sets…

Don’t Infiltrate Your Agenda Onto My Beloved Cartoon Characters!

Anti-LGBT Rights Groups See Tony the Tiger Destroying Traditional Family Values But It Started Earlier In a definitely more innocent time of late 1950’s, I would sit cross-legged in my…

Chief of Apple Takes Bite Out of LGBT Stigmatism

Tim Cook Says He’s Gay Although Tim Cook was out to his friends, on October 30, he made a bold move by announcing that he was gay in a Business…

National Forgiveness Day=October 25,2014

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged This year, National Forgiveness Day is celebrated on October 25.  It’s a day to forgive and be forgiven.  It’s a chance to set things…

26 And Counting

Gay Marriage Gains Momentum in U.S. October 17thIs a Groundbreaking Day This week, Attorney General Eric Holder said in a video message last Friday that the U.S. government would recognize…

National Coming Out Day:Opportunity to Increase Your Support

Advice Applies for Other 364 Days A Year Last week, I wrote about the meaning of National Coming Out Day, October 11th and gave tips on what parents should say…