Are Your Kids Mentally Healthy?

                                   May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  According to American Psychological Association News, March 8, 2019, “more U.S. adolescents and young adults in the late 2010’s vs. mid 2000’s experienced…


What is Acceptance?

                                                What Constitutes Acceptance? If a parent doesn’t want to march in a Gay Pride Parade, is he not accepting of his LGBT child? If a parent…

Beyond “The Talk”

                         Yesterday was National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.  The purpose of this annual day (April 10) is to support youth HIV prevention by promoting school-based health education.   However, I’m…

Coming Out as Transgender

                                    Today is the annual event of International Transgender Day of Visibility.  Its purpose is to celebrate transgender people and raise awareness of worldwide discrimination faced by transgender people. …

“You’re Bi What?”

                                               Most parents and society-at-large don’t understand bisexuality.  Sexuality is fluid, according to Freud.  For a person having a bisexual orientation, the orientation is not chosen even though the…

A Discriminating Vote by Methodists

                       This week, the delegates of the United Methodist Church gathered to take a vote on whether to reinforce a ban on gay marriage.  This second largest Protestant Church,…

It’s Not About You!

                                    It’s Not About You! In an OP-ED New York Times column entitled “It’s Not a Teenage Fad. It’s Life,” 1/09/19, author Jennifer Finney Boylan remarks that when her daughter…

Supreme Court Bans Transgenders in the Military

On Tuesday, January 22, 2018, The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to impose a ban on Transgendered adults in the military.  But it’s more complicated.  Previously, lower courts had placed injunctions…

GENDA to ENDA discrimination & Ban Conversion Therapy in New York State

 New York parents will sleep better knowing that GENDA and Ban on Conversion Therapy passed the New York House and Senate on January 9, 2019. GENDA or Gender Expression Non-Discrimination…

Your Child Just Told You He’s Gay. Now What?

It’s holiday time and your child takes the initiative to come out to whomever is present at your family’s gathering. His rationale may be to “ get it over with”…

World Aids Day 2018: What Does It Mean?

Saturday, December 1st is the thirtieth anniversary of World Aids Day.  While scientific advances in HIV/AIDS research have resulted in anti-retroviral drugs like Prep and more awareness about safe sex…

You Can’t Pray The Gay Away!

If you’re a religious parent who believes that being LGBT is a choice, think again!  As of August 2018, fourteen U.S. states, District of Columbia, some counties and municipalities in…

LGBT Couples Are Told They Can’t Adopt

It’s been three years since The Supreme Court first recognized gay marriage.  You would think with legalized same-sex marriage in the U.S., LGBT couples would automatically be able to adopt.…

The Ever-Increasing Alphabet of LGBT+. What Does It All Mean?

Chances are if your child comes out to you, he would most likely use the term gay, bisexual, lesbian, queer or trans.  But as a parent, how do you keep…

Another Attempt At Erasing The Transgendered

First, it was the states’ trying to ban the federal protections that Obama put in place under Title IX barring discrimination and sexual orientation.  In 2016, the Department of Education…