Pope Francis

O Ye of Faith, Why is His Holiness Giving Mixed Messages

This week, His Holiness Pope Francis, 85, urged parents in his weekly General Audience to not “hide behind an attitude of condemnation” but to “accompany” LGBT children.  Those children, The…

mom talking to daughter

This article was originally published in the NYMetroParents on July 19, 2016. The information contained in the article is still applicable, based on my book When Your Child Is Gay:…


Coming Out: Preparation is Key

This article was co-written with Nasir Fleming and originally published on the HuffPost Contributor Platform on 10/2/16. The advice is still pertinent. Coming Out: Preparation Is Key (Tips from a Straight…

close up of male gay couple over pride flag

Coming Out as Transgender: How Should A Parent React?

 The world seems to be exploding with gender choices.  It’s hard to keep up with all the terms, but as a parent, you may want to know the basics such…

group of people holding candle near buildings

How Will You Show Support For Transgenders on Transgender Day Of Remembrance?

Transgender Awareness Week (November 13-19) culminates in Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20 each year. TDOR was started in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith in honor of…

transgender awareness week

What Does “Trans“ mean? That’s Why we have Transgender Awareness Week (11/13-19)

Does it mean you cross- dress? Have had surgery F-T-M (female -to -male) or M-T-F ( male- to -female).  What pronouns do you use?  Is it possible to be LGB…

teens making fun of another teen

What If Your LGBT + Kid Is The Bully?

October is National Bullying Prevention Month.  It’s also Mental Health Awareness Month.  It’s not coincidental; the two are linked in my opinion. We know from GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education…

Depressed teenager girl on mobile phone victim of cyberbullying feeling sad, unhappy and lonely

Cyberbullying Is Not Going Away!  What Can You Do To Protect Your Kids?  

 This past year, with Covid-19, cyberbullying was on the rise.  With internet users turning to their screens more often while inside, cyberbullies were working hard to infiltrate your home with…


October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Research shows that bullying often leaves scars, negative effects on those who deal with it.  The impact from bullying can lead to chronic depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety disorders, PTSD, poor…


Why Do You Need A Coming Out Day?

National Coming Out Day is October 11.  It is observed, and has been doing so for thirty-two years, to support LGBT people. Not Everyone Should Come Out On October 11.…


Over Half of LGB People Identify as Bisexual: Biweek: 9/16-23

Bisexual Awareness Week or Biweek is celebrated annually in September, culminating on September 23rd, “Celebrate Bisexuality Day.”  In a recent Gallup poll, 54.6% of LGBT adults identify as bisexual yet…


Sexual Health Awareness Month Reminds Us Of Our Gaps in Knowledge

Yearly, throughout the month of September, American Sexual Health Association offers expanded sexual health resources including podcasts, fact sheets and other online resources. Within this month is Bisexual Awareness Week…

bathroom sign

6 years after transgender student sued his county School Board, “Bathroom Bills” are still not Solved. But Charlotte, N.C. City Council recently passed a non-discrimination ordinance that protects LGBTQ Residents.

Last week, Charlotte, N.C.’s  City Council passed a non-discrimination ordinance that gives more rights than federal laws that protect LGBT people:  the Federal law applies to employers with fifteen or…

Books and apple near chalkboard with phrase "Sex ed"

PORN Should Not Be An Educational Resource for Adolescents

Parents and Schools Get An F in Sex Education According to sex researcher, Megan Maas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Michigan State, college kids are…


Your LGBT+Child Probably Knows about “Poppers,” but Do You?

A popular drug in 1970’s discos and bathhouses, “poppers” are still on the scene.  They belong to a class of chemicals known as alkyl nitrites and come in small bottles.…