Straight Parent, Gay Kid

When The School Isn’t An Ally

How To Enforce Anti-Bullying Policies At Your Child’s SchoolLast week, I wrote about how parents can anticipate bullying of their LGBT child at school and practice tactics at home.  However, as most kids are bullied at school when parents aren’t there to observe the violations or around-the-clock when their LGBT children are cyberbullied, it’s best…

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The Time Is Now To Outsmart School Bullies!

The lazy days of summer are almost over.  Soon, the new backpacks, notebooks come shuffling into school.  And it’s time for the bullies to return to your LGBT’s child school and make your child’s school year a living hell unless you intercept. According to the Human Rights Campaign, LGBT youth are twice as likely as…

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Are LGBTQ Teens Better Off Today?

New Study by HRC/UConn. Shows LGBTQ Feel Anxious and Depressed! The Human Rights Campaign jointly with the University of Connecticut released their findings last May of the survey done of 12,000 LGBTQ 13 to 17 year-olds across the United States.…/new-study-shows-lgbtq-youth-feel-anxious-and-depressed/ The results revealed that most of these LGBTQ teens are experiencing extreme levels of anxiety and…

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When The Birds and Bees Only Fly Straight

As the parent of an LGBT child, you may not want to leave sex education to your child’s middle or high school.  In San Diego, parents picket sex education at their schools because they don’t find mention of anal sex, masturbation appropriate for middle schoolers. In conservative Orange County, California, parents can withdraw consent for…

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If Straight Parents Don’t March, Are We Tolerating, But Not Accepting?

June is considered GAY PRIDE MONTH, but not everywhere.  However, you demonstrate acceptance, it should be at your own comfort level. Many LGBT people themselves do not feel it is necessary to be a crusader for gay rights just as some straight parents don’t want to march during the Gay Parades held in major cities….

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The Baker, The Cake, and The Couple Who Ate Crow

Last Monday, the Supreme Court decided the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission No. 16-11.  With just two dissenters, Justices Ginsburg and Sotomayer, the Court ruled in favor of Jack Phillips, the Christian baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple, Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins who were married…

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Coming Out: It’s Not Your Story!

It’s not a good idea to out your kids.  Let them be the messengers.  Their stories are highly personal and should be revealed in their own time when they are comfortable. Jeff Ingold at Stonewall explains that publicly outing someone “robs that person of the chance to define who they are, in their own terms…

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Teacher Appreciate Week May 7-11

Teacher Appreciation Week May 7-11 GLSEN.ORG/thankateacher) For LGBT youth, school can be an ordeal.  They can be singled out, bullied, feel unsafe in an environment that’s supposed to be free of fear.  In fact, they may elect to miss school as much as a day per month because they are being harassed. Compared to their…

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Are Your LGBT Kids Mentally Healthy?

                      What Parents Can Do To Ensure They Are May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  Do you realize that research shows that LGBT individuals are three times more likely to experience a mental health condition?  No wonder as they face health disparities linked to societal stigma,…

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“But We Only Did It Once”

I remember seeing this striking headline for a Planned Parenthood ad at New York’s One Club for Art & Copy in 1979.  The print advertisement won a Gold Award. Fast forward to 2018.  Kids are having sex younger and some self-identify as LGBT before they even get to high school. Yet their sexual practices seem…

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