Human Rights Campaign

“Don’t Say or Write Gay”
It seems that the achievements of the Stonewall Rebellion in June 1969 and the passage of the same-sex marriage in June 2015 did more for the advancements of the LGBTQ+…

Audre Lorde: Black lesbian feminist poet activist. (1934-1992). Women’s History Month
In my last blog, I wrote about Jeanne Manford, a gay rights activist, straight mother and school teacher in New York. It’s important that you educate your LGBT children so…

One Who Led The Fight For Gay Rights: Jeanne Manford
March is Women’s History Month. Gay children should know who paved the way for them when homosexuality wasn’t accepted in the 1970’s. One hero worth talking about was a school…

Where is the Civility in Politics?
When the President of the United States is addressing the joint session of Congress during his State of the Union message, you listen politely. Whether you agree with him about…
“The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” of 2022
The Ugly A record number -nearly 240 anti-LGBTQ bills were filed in 2022. These bills were to limit the rights of LGBTQ Americans this past year. Half of them specifically…

“You’ve Come A Long Way Baby,” but Don’t Rest on Your Laurels!
On Thursday, with a 258 to 169 vote, the House lawmakers approved the Respect for Marriage Act. Thirty-nine Republicans backed the legislation with all Democrats present. The bipartisan vote mirrored…

Freedom of Religion vs. LGBT Rights
Remember the baker Jack Phillips in Colorado? He denied making a wedding cake for a gay couple because he didn’t believe in same-sex weddings. His insistence made headlines over ten…

LGBTQIA: What Does the A Stand For? No, It’s Not Ally!
Have you heard about ACE this week starting October 23rd when GLSEN raised awareness about the term? Read the blog and find out its true definition. The correct answer is…

A Straight Mother Thanks Edie Windsor
October is LGBT History Month! Edie Windsor was a pioneer for same-sex marriage and its benefits! When our gay son was in his twenties, before President Obama’s evolvement of “sacred”…