Freedom of Religion

Testing The Undereducated

CDC’s Recent  Sexual Orientation Survey Has Flaws In the July 22 article in The New York Times entitled “Questions of Orientation,” http://New York Times/7/22/14/Questions of Orientation, Jan Hoffman writes about…

Introducing Your Gay Partner To Your Straight Parents?

When Is A Good Time? After a long, cold winter, it’s finally summer.  Time for long weekends or a week’s or two’s vacation at the beach with friends or the…

National Blame Someone Else Day, July 13, 2014

 Don’t We Blame More Often? Human nature seems to dictate that it is much easier to blame someone else than accept responsibility for your actions that may thwart or disappoint…

National Forgiveness Day – Not With a Bang but a Whimper

I’m sure most of you did not know that June 26, 2014 was Forgiveness Day.  It wasn’t recorded on your Smartphone, discussed in church or advertised as a Hallmark moment.…

Another Bride, Another June

 Not Automatic If You’re Lesbian The well-known song written by Kahn and Donaldson “Another bride/Another June/Another sunny honeymoon/Another season, Another reason/for makin’ whoopee” is a reality for heterosexuals.  But for…

The Little Stamp With The L-A-R-G-E Message

Harvey Milk Stamp Creates Controversy How many Harvey Milk stamps have been “returned to sender?”  Since the U.S. Postal Office has issued the stamp on May 22nd, the date of…

Gay Pride Month, Marching Optional

President Obama has declared June as Gay Pride month. Events are planned across the United States, from San Francisco to New York and all states in between, to celebrate the…

We Don’t Need to Know Everything About a Celebrity!

Theatre critic Robert Hofler’s critique of Lincoln Center’s Winter 2014 issue’s lack of mention of playwright Moss Hart’s supposed homosexuality or bisexuality can be read in The’s “Op-Ed: Moss…

Unsung Heroes

This Memorial Day, let us be mindful of not only the WWII and Korean veterans who fought in so-called “acceptable” wars, but also those of the unpopular wars that followed. …

Are Your LGBT Children Mentally Healthy?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month As a parent, no one knows your kid better than you.  You see him/her daily so it’s easy to notice personality or physical changes.…

You Gotta’ Have Heart

Conditional Love Common Sometimes it’s hard for a Mother to love her kids unconditionally. Kids act up.  They fight with their siblings, beg for another glass of water so they…

“Mothers and Sons”: A Review

“Mothers and Sons” Offers Optimism About Gay Civil Rights When in Manhattan two weeks ago, I had the good fortune to see “Mothers and Sons,” author Terrence McNally’s sixteenth work. …

Huh? What Does “Mostly Heterosexual?” Mean?

New Term Coined On April 1, 2014, I wrote a blog entitled “Primer for Straight Parents: Not Your Mother’s Dictionary of Terms!” about various definitions for sexual orientation.  Just when…

Holiday No-Nos for Straight Parents

Easter/Passover is a wonderful family holiday.  Health experts advise that while you’re gathered around for carrots, lamb/ham, amid the tulips and colored eggs, that you ask your relatives about their…

Silence Can Be More Powerful Than Words

Shhhhh… Day of Silence GLSEN, Inc., the Gay, Lesbian,& Straight Education Network, since 1996, has been holding a Day of Silence yearly. This year, its Day of Silence is on…