Bostock v. Clayton Co.

I Am Grateful for More Than The Norman Rockwell Scene
“With Heart, And Hands, And Voices… Whose Wondrous Things Have Done…” In two days, I will preside over my great grandfather’s dining table laden with pumpkins, gravy-stained linen, and all…

Slouching Towards Universal Gay Marriage
Prior to Election night 2012, gay marriage had been defeated every time it has been on a ballot in the U.S. In Maine, voters in 2009 overturned a law passed…

Celebrate National Coming Out Day on October 11, 2012
What is NCOD? October 11, 2012 is National Coming Out Day, celebrated in the United States, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (the latter on October 12th).…

“The New Normal” Isn’t That New
The story line of “The New Normal“ would probably not have been written before this year: a gay wealthy couple are paying $35,000 to have a surrogate mother have their…

Small Efforts Can Make a Big Difference
As you know from my last blog post, September is National Suicide Prevention Month. The leading national organization focused on suicide prevention, The Trevor Project , has launched a campaign…

Get Thee to a Shrink
It is not uncommon for a parent of a recently out child, to want to take him/her to a mental health professional. Every parent wants his child to be happy,…

Response to Jane Clementi’s article in New York Times, 8/25/12
Re: “After a Son’s Suicide, a Mother Finds Blame in Herself and in Her Church,” New York Times/8/25/12“ A hypothetical open letter to Mrs.Clementi Dear Mrs. Clementi: …

Vermont Scout Leaders Earn Their Merit Badges
Boy Scouts of America’s Green Mt. Council More GLBT-Friendly Recently, the BSA reaffirmed its decision to ban openly homosexual members and leaders from its organization. This policy offended President Obama,…

Boy Scouts’ Exclusive Policy
Last week, I posted about the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) ongoing policies that ban homosexual scouts and troop leaders from their organization. Because the Supreme Court found that BSA…

The Badge of Inequality
To: Bob Mazuca, Chief Scout Executive and BSA National Executive Board From: Robert Paxton, Eagle Scout, Senior Patrol Leader in Troop 409, Wausau, WI Brotherhood Member in Order of…