Call me gullible but when I read that President Obama had declared June 26, 2016 as National Equality Day, I was thrilled! It made sense. After all, June is Gay Pride Month, according to Obama.
The month of June has many LGBT victories: On June 26, The Supreme Court decided in favor of James Obergefell (Obergefell v. Hodges) that set a precedent for same-sex marriage throughout the United States just a year ago. The laws banning so-called sodomy were struck down in Lawrence v. Texas.on June 26th in 2003, and a significant part of the Defense of Marriage Act (Windsor v. U.S.) was coincidentally struck down on June 26th .
In just three days, Stonewall, the gay bar and tavern on Christopher Street will have its forty-seventh anniversary of its riot against the police who were trying to raid their hangout. Some consider that retaliation against the police the official beginning of the modern gay rights movement that lead to pro civil rights’ groups.
This week, The White House did designate Stonewall a national monument, an addition to America’s National Park System. All of these June events were the result of courage by the LGBT community against the status quo. Obama called these fighters “heroes and deserve to be recognized for their courage and sacrifice.” Supposedly, the President added, “I can’t think of anything more deserving of a national holiday than fight for equality.”
As these accomplishments by the LGBT population could warrant a federal holiday just like Martin Luther King Day, I was surprised to learn and miffed that this was a canard. An article spoofed U.S. Today in which Obama supposedly called on Congress to enshrine June 26th as National Equality Day.
Supposedly, it was reported to many blogs that President Obama told comedian and podcast political commentator Marc Maron that he couldn’t think of anything more deserving. Congress didn’t add National Equality Day to the calendar nor did he use his executive order to declare June 26th as National Equality Day.
Too bad as the LGBT long struggle for equal rights has finally been recognized so why make light of it?

When Your Child Is Gay: What You Need To Know
For more detailed advice, see book, co-authored with a mother of a gay son and a psychiatrist, Jonathan L. Tobkes, M.D.